Sentence 2 Most of us tend to believe that competition is good and that competition fairly handled can generally stimulate more efficiency in production, grater efforts to improve products and lower prices for consumers. 译文:我们大多数人认为竞争是好的,而且处理得当的竞争关系一般能够刺激生产更高的效率,更好的产品以及对消费者来说,更低的产品价格。
Some who have returned to society after serving their sentence have become key production personnel, engineers, factory directors and managers. a few have even become "advanced producers" or "model workers". 一些罪犯在刑满释放回归社会后,成为企业的生产骨干、工程师、厂长、经理,有些还当上了先进生产者、劳动模范。
Syntactic priming ( SP) in sentence production refers to the tendency of speakers and writers to reuse syntactic structures that they have recently processed. 句子产生中的句法启动是指个体产生一个句子时,倾向于重复使用刚刚加工过的句法结构。
These findings have promoted development of new models of sentence production such as the syntactic priming model and the model of verb's syntactic representation. 这些发现促使研究者提出了新的句子产生理论,如句法启动模型和动词句法表征模型。